Testing a Flow


When done creating or updating a flow, testing it is probably the first thing to do. That option is available directly from the Flow Builder.

By clicking on the 'Run test', a popup window will be displayed asking for information:

If the flow is configured with a data set of type 'Standard' or 'Schema', you need to select a sample from the 'Flow input' drop down. If the drop down is empty, go in the data set and create a sample.

If the flow is configured with another type of data set (i.e.  custom or Smart Form data set), the popup won't require any 'Flow input'.

In both cases, the 'Started by' is used to select a user from who the flow will be started. By default, the user you are connected with is selected. Selecting another user can be useful to simulate the behavior of a flow executed with a user having less privileges.

After clicking the 'Start' button, the 'Flow test execution' window is displayed.

The 'Flow execution panel' is where you can interact with the flow (i.e. if it requires any data input using custom or Smart Form data set). When the flow execution is completed, the main area will show the flow output panel.

The 'Progress object' tab gives more information on the internal representation of the flow execution. This is quite technical, but could be useful for debugging.

The 'Execution log' tab gives information for each steps processed during the flow execution. If a step was generating a document for instance, you can download the result directly from that view using the download icon. 

Previous Tests

If at least one test was executed on the flow, the Preview tests give the user access to the Flow test execution of the selected test.